19. Aphrodite

Name: Aphrodite

Description: Idea of Perishable Matter

Idea of perishable matter, including mortal bodies. Grants perpetuity to mortal beings by means of reproduction. Queen of the Titans or Tartareans, the gods of Tartarus, and wife of Kronos, who provides the perishable form to mortal beings.


Hymn 12: Tenth Monthly Hymn, To the Titans

Mode: Phrygian

Come, let us sing to mortal nature’s demiurge,
to Kronos, Lord, the son of Zeus, and eldest of
the low-born progeny of Zeus, Tartarean
and Titan gods; we sing to them along with him,
who are in all ways good, from evil far apart,
although creating what is mortal and short-lived.
We sing of Aphrodite, Kronos’ sacred wife,
and Pan the lord of beasts, Deméter of the plants,
and Kore of our mortal nature, and the rest.


Laws III.15 [108], III.34 [164], III.35 [212].

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Last updated: March 14, 2023