3. Apollo

Name: Apollo

Description: Idea of Identity

Identity is one of Plato’s five “greatest kinds” (μέγιστα τῶν γενῶν). As the Idea of Identity (τὸ ταὐτόν, ταὐτότης), Apollo makes each thing what it is by integrating its disparate properties into a harmonious whole. He thus causes the unity of each Form. He also creates harmony within souls and among souls through his gifts of wisdom and justice. With his harmony he bestows beauty in the arts, in souls, and in bodies.


Hymn 7: Fifth Monthly Hymn, to Apollo

Mode: Hypophrygian

Apollo, Lord, who of identity of kinds
art chief and leader, guiding everything to one,
who doth subject the One itself, a multitude
and a polyphony, beneath one harmony,
with concord you impart the prudence to our souls,
and justice, qualities most beautiful to have,
combined with beauty in our bodies, joined with health.
Moreover always give our souls, O Lord, desire
for things divine and beautiful. O hail, Paeán!


Laws III.34 [160], III. 35 [208].

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Last updated: March 31, 2023