In the following the Ensemble Systems will be presented before the Sequential Systems.
The basic Ensemble Systems may be classed:
Moon | Mercury | Venus | Sun | Mars | Jupiter | Saturn |
E | F | G | A | B | C | D |
From these correspondences we get the
Dichord System
and the
Pentachord System.
This absolute pitch systems can be converted to a
relative pitch by always including a fixed
pitch from the scale, such as the base tone (E).
Thus for 6.Love we have {E, B} and for 8.Victory {E, A, B}.
Nevertheless, an ensemble of two (or three) tones does not
give much scope for melodic construction (although it might
be adequate for chant), so we also have the Pentachord
The tones correspond to the numbers on the dice, so you
simply pick tones corresponding the numbers on the dice throw
for the trump.
For example, since 8.Victory in the Fire Hexactys is 2-4, our
tones are C, E. Since 6.Love in Fire is 3-3, its only tone
is D.
For a relative pitch version, always include
some fixed pitch, such as the base tone (B) or the seventh
If a trump's dice roll is M-N (written so that N is greater
than or equal to M), then choose M-1 of the lowest tone (of
the trichord), N-M of the middle tone, and 6-N of the highest
For example, suppose CEG is our scale. Since 8.Victory is
2-4 in the Fire Hexactys, we choose 2-1 = 1 C, 4-2 = 2 Es and
6-4 = 2 Gs. Our melody will be some permutation of CEEGG.
Since 6.Love is 3-3, we choose 3-1 = 2 Cs, 3-3 = 0 Es and 6-3
= 3 Gs; thus the melody is a permutation of CCGGG.
For a relative pitch version, always include
a sixth, fixed pitch (e.g. C).
For example, suppose we use ABCD.
Since the astragali roll for 6.Love is 114, we use
permutations of AAC for its melody; since 8.Victory is 136,
we use permutations of ABD for that trump.
For a relative pitch version, always include
a fixed pitch, such as the base (A, in our example).
Suppose our scale is BCDEFG.
Write three dashes: ---.
Write all the 1s before the first dash, all the 3s between
the second and third dash, and so on.
For example, 6.Love is 114, which becomes 11--4-, and
8.Victory is 136, which becomes 1-3--6.
Write these strings under the notes of the scale and select
the notes without dashes. Thus,
6.Love is
For a relative pitch version, always include
a fixed pitch, such as the base (B, in our example).
The system assigns a sequence of seven notes to each trump.
To get the sequence, start with a string of five dashes:
- - - - -.
Number the spaces between the dashes, including the beginning
and end with 1 to 6:
The simplest (Dichord) is to assign one
pitch to the dashes and another pitch to the Xs.
Thus Victory might be CECCECC and Love CCEECCC.
Alternately (Trichord), since there are
exactly two Xs, two different pitches could be assigned to
them, so Victory might be CECCGCC and Love might be CCBACCC.
The five repetitions of a single tone make both of these
systems independent of absolute pitch.
Both of these systems produce rather dull melodies, although
they might be adequate for chant.
For more variety we can assign the same pitch to the two Xs
and any other five distinct pitches to the dashes
Thus for Victory we could have AEDCEFG and for Love ABEEFDC.
Because this system uses six distinct pitches, it is
essentially independent of absolute pitch.
For more melodic variety, instead of just two pitches, one
may use pitches from two different categories, for example
ACE and BDF.
Then Love could be ACBDEF and Victory ABCDFE.
Note that the Dichord System is essentially independent of
absolute pitch.
Classify the trump's roll of three astragali as follows:
For relative pitch always begin or end with
a fixed pitch of the scale.
1. Dichord System
Use the two tones associated with the trump. For example,
6.Love connects Moon and Mars: {E, B};
and 8.Victory connects Sun and Mars: {A, B}.
These are the tones that would be used (perhaps with
repetition) to construct melodies for these trumps.
2. Pentachord System
We pick the two tones according as in the Dichord System, but
leave them out of the scale and assign the remaining
five tones to the trump.
Thus 6.Love is assigned {F, G, A, C, D}
and 8.Victory is assigned {E, F, G, C, D}.
The pitches assigned to a trump may be repeated in its theme.
B. Dice Systems
Dice Systems are based on the 21 throws of two dice assigned
to each of the trumps (except 0.Idiot). There are two
varieties of each system, depending on whether the Fire
Hexactys or Water Hexactys is used
(see Introduction to Major Arcana
for these terms).
There are two Dice Systems, the
Hexachord and
1. Hexachord System
The Hexachord System is based on assigning each trump one or
two tones from a hexachord or scale of six tones.
For a scale you might use the system of Hypatôn +
Anc. Gk. Esot. Mus.
for these terms):
B C D E F G 1 2 3 4 5 6 2. Trichord System
The Trichord System selects five tones (with repetition) from
a trichord, or scale of three tones, e.g. CEG or
EFG. The melody for a trump is some permutation of its five
C. Astragali Systems
The Astragali Systems are based on the 20 throws of three
astragali assigned to each of the trumps (except 0.Idiot and
21.World). There are two systems, the
and the
1. Tetrachord System
The Tetrachord System is based directly on the throws, with a
different tone being assigned to each face of the astagalus.
Thus three (not necessarily distinct) tones are assigned to
each trump.
Any one of the Tetrachords from
Ancient Greek Esoteric Music Theory
may be used as a scale.
For example:
1 3 4 6 E a b e A B C D a E F G 2. Hexachord System
The Hexachord System assigns each trump three distinct tones
from a hexachord, or scale of six pitches. I will
illustrate the method by example.
B C D E F G 1 1 - - 4 -
B C D E F G 1 - 3 - - 6
II. Sequential Systems
Sequential Systems assign a melody (tone sequence) or melodic
structure to each trump. The assignment may be based on
throws of dice or astragali:
A. Dice Systems
As for the Ensemble Systems, there
are two varieties of the Dice Systems depending on whether
the Fire or Water Hexactys is used (for examples I will use
the Fire correspondences).
Since there are only 21 throws of two dice, 0.Idiot does not
have a corresponding melody.
- - - - - 1 2 3 4 5 6
- X - - X - - 1 2 3 4 5 6
- -
XX - - - 1 2
3 4 5 6
B. Astragali Systems
These systems assign pitch sequences based on the 20 throws
of three astragali (0.Idiot and 21.World do not have
corresponding sequences). There are two systems
1. Dichord System
Pick two distinct pitches (e.g. A, B) and write three of
each: AAABBB. The trumps are assigned to the 20 different
permutations of this 6-note sequence (AABABB, BBBAAA, BABABA,
etc.). To get the sequence corresponding to a trump, proceed
as follows.
For example, 114 (Love) becomes AABBAB
and 136 (Victory) becomes ABABBA.
2. Pentachord System
Choose a scale of five tones, for example ABCDE.
Assign to the pitches (in any order) the letter N (for
Neutral) and the numbers 1, 3, 4, 6. For example:
A B C D E N 1 3 4 6
Thus, for each trump we get a sequence of two tones.
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Thu Jun 22 18:38:30 EDT 2000