As the Idea of Difference or Otherness (τὸ θάτερον, ἑτερότης),
which is one of Plato’s five “greatest kinds” (μέγιστα τῶν γενῶν),
Artemis causes the differentiation of things into their separate
parts. She divides Forms, distinguishing the species within a
genus according to their identities (from Apollo); she
separates the individuals belonging to a Form or Idea; and she
divides bodies and other things into their component parts. She
analyzes and articulates the constituents of any whole.
Artemis gives our bodies moderation, power, strength, and
soundness (artemęs, ἀρτεμής). She grants us the courage and
self-control to govern the inferior parts of our nature.
Mode: Hypophrygian
O Lady Artemis, who rules and who protects
the form of difference, you receive as one the whole
and then divide completely each one from the rest
in many forms, from forms to individuals,
and from the whole to limbs and joints, and separate
our souls from what is worse in us, and give them strength
and self-control, and to our bodies might and health.
But grant to us, O Queen, to flee from shameful things
and straighten up our lives in every circumstance.
Laws III.34 [160], III. 35 [208].