Idea of Passive or Other-caused Motion. Athena is the passive
species of Motion or Change (κίνησις), one of Plato’s five
“greatest kinds” (μέγιστα τῶν γενῶν). Cause of physical change,
impulses and reactions, caused by one thing responding to another,
including internal bodily changes. Material manifestation of
ideas. Protection of the Ideas. Guardian of the nous from
extraneous influences.
In the Tradic Principle, procession (πρόοδος) and thrusting outward (ὦσις), by which an Idea emanates and manifests.
Mode: Hypophrygian
Athena, Lady, you who rule and govern form,
the form that is to matter always bound, and you
who are creator after the wide-ruling one,
Poseidon, who before you holds all form, and you
who are the source of ev’ry motion caused by force.
When anything superfluous is added on,
you drive out each and ev’ry one; whenever we
act foolishly in error, then draw near to us,
O goddess, rouse our hearts to duty with good sense.
Laws III.34
[160], III.35