Hephaistos is the Idea of Rest (στάσις), of remaining the same,
which is one of Plato’s five “greatest kinds” (μέγιστα τῶν γενῶν).
Stability and permanence in temporal reality. Changelessness and
immutability. He establishes the gods in their eternal
relationships and defines their domains of responsibility, hence
leader of the supercelestial gods after Poseidon.
In the Triadic Principle, staying or abiding (μονή), by which an
Idea remains itself in its changeless permanence.
Mode: Hypophrygian
Hephaistos, Lord, you rule the supercelestial gods,
together the Olympians and Tartáreans.
You govern with Poseidon, the wide-ruling one,
and also give to each their station and their seat;
and you’re the cause of rest in this and everything,
and also you provide them everlastingness,
yourself, or with Poseidon, by his father’s will.
Watch over us, and grant especially to us,
who’re born, to firmly stand in noble deeds each time.
Laws III.34
[160], III.35