Pluto is the Form of the human nous (νοῦς), the immortal
higher part of the human soul, which is capable of knowing the
Forms. Pluto is the husband of Korê or
Persephone, the Form of the mortal human body. The human
soul returns to Pluto between incarnations. He contains in a state
of unity the fate, destiny, and creative potential of every human
soul. Pluto is our protector (προστάτης).
Mode: Dorian
Lord Pluto, thou who art of human nature chief
and guardian, allotted thee by Zeus himself,
and holding everything as one that separately
occurs for us and happens; you protect us well
in all things here and after when we’re raised.
With thee are Heroes, of a kind surpassing ours,
and also others dear to us, both fair and good,
and Kore, thy good wife and god of Tartarus,
who binds us, as required, to mortal life. Be kind.
Laws III.15
[114], III.34
[134, 160, 164], III.35