1. Poseidon

Name: Poseidon

Form-Itself or Idea-Itself (Αὐτοεῖδος), Form of Forms or Idea of Ideas (Εἶδος Εἰδῶν), Master of Forms (Πόσις Εἰδῶν), Limit-Itself (Αὐτοπέρας), Beauty-Itself (Αὐτοκαλόν), Chorus Leader (Κορυφαῖος), Second God, Father’s Power, Intellectual Power, Paternal Mind, Second Nous.

Description: Idea of Ideas, Form of Forms

Poseidon is the first and supreme member of the second rank of gods, the supercelestial gods, who emanate directly from Zeus. He is the first emanation and metaphoically the eldest and most venerable (πρεσβύτατος) child of Zeus. As the first emanation he is nearest Zeus in his essential nature. All the supercelestial gods are simultaneously eternal minds (νόες) and Platonic Ideas or Forms, and Poseidon is the Idea of these Ideas, the Form of these Forms; thus he contains all the Ideas and is the Paternal Mind; he is the pattern or paradigm for all the other supercelestial gods.

The supercelestial gods emanate from Zeus alone, and are motherless (ἀμήτωρ) because they are pure essences without material bodies. On the other hand, with Hera (the Idea of Matter), Poseidon creates the lower orders of beings (celestial gods, daimons, humans, etc.), who do have material bodies.


Hymn 4: Second Monthly Hymn, To Poseidon

Mode: Hypophrygian

O Lord Poseidon, thou art firstborn son of Zeus,
in splendor and in strength excelling everything,
for everything received its origin from Zeus.
With might you make and master, second to your sire,
preeminent, as great as is infinity,
because of all that is, alone is he unborn.
And by thy sire’s command was granted thee to make
the widespread sky, in which we have been placed by thee.
O Father, always kind and gentle be to us.


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Last updated: August 1, 2021