24. Selene

Name: Selene

Description: Moon

Holy Mistress (Πότνια Ἱρή), queen of the celestial gods, second to Helios in power. Selene gives mortal, temporal things their matter, Helios gives them form. With Helios, she measures time for us. The eldest celestial goddess of the high-born (“legitimate”: γνήσιος) children of Poseidon and Hera.


Hymn 9: Seventh Monthly Hymn, To the Celestial Gods

Mode: Phrygian

O lord of heaven, Helios, be kind to us,
and you, Seléne, holy mistress, be thou kind,
and Phôsphoros and Stílbôn, of the shining Sun
attendants always, Phaínôn and Phaéthôn too,
and you Pyróeis; all are subject to the Sun,
your lord, whom you assist in his concern for us
that we not suffer need, and so we sing to you
this hymn, to you who are our splendid guardians,
and to the stars sent forth by providence divine.


Laws III.15 [106], III.34 [166, fol. 120], III.35 [210].

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Last updated: August 9, 2021